Extended Group TOPSIS method with application for Cybersecurity
TOPSIS is a multi-criteria decision-making method that aims to ranks a set of alternatives based on their distances to ideal solution and anti-ideal solution. TOPSIS is known for its simplicity and effectiveness in handling decision-making problems with multiple criteria. In this paper we use the TOPSIS method by considering the Minkowski metric and a group of experts. This method is denoted by Extended Group TOPSIS (EG-TOPSIS) method. It is applied for the calculation of a cybersecurity composite index, called CYBSEC, which reflects the cybersecurity level of a country relative to a group of countries. CYBSEC is calculated based on six cybersecurity indexes: Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI), National Cyber Security Index (NCSI), Basel AML Index (BAMLI), Cybersecurity Exposure Index (CEI), Cyber Legislation Rating (CLR) and Cyber Safety Score (CSS). This index includes the advantages of the six cybersecurity indices considered together and can serve decision makers for making informed decisions in the field.
* External Author
2024 10th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT)